Fritz Nordengren

Documentary Storyteller and Photojournalist

Tag: Canon A-1

  • Details: a medical chart in Guatemala

    Details: a medical chart in Guatemala

    The small slips of paper passed between medical team members in a village in rural, Guatemala.

    A single frame: Why and how I captured this shot

    An easy way to communicate the patient’s medical complaints. This paper was a small family being seen together, condensed.

    To me, it’s a photograph of metaphors, and says so many things on its own or as part of the bigger story of need and help.

    35 mm film

  • Stopped in Traffic, Ecuador, 2000

    Stopped in Traffic, Ecuador, 2000

    A single frame: Why and how I captured this shot

    We were stopped in traffic in Cuenca, Ecuador.

    It was the late afternoon in February 2000. Perry, a medical student had just finished a hectic shift in the obstetrics, labor and delivery wards of a public hospital.

    I was mid-way through a 2 week embed with the sponsoring NGO. I had some solid frames, some so-so frames. I was still regretting the “one that got away”. It was an image of a doctor listening to a fetal heat beat with an ear trumpet. I missed the shot because I was paying attention to the patient and not the scene.

    I looked to my left and saw the light on Perry as he rested. I chose to focus on the outside traffic, and keep the Perry soft. A reflection of the day of feeling like everything was happening around us.

    Other work for NGO’s and nonprofits is featured in this story.

    Details: Canon A-1 and a 50 mm f/1.4. Color slide, edited to black and white.