Fritz Nordengren

Documentary Storyteller and Photojournalist

Tag: camino frances

  • Outside the Cafe, Pamplona 2016

    Outside the Cafe, Pamplona 2016

    This is a “sister” shot to Table for 2, Dinner for 1, although taken a few days apart.

    A single frame: Why and how I captured this shot

    I hiked into Pamplona from Zabaldika on a chilly morning. I stopped by a bakery near the government building. There, I saw a woman sitting outside with her coffee. Between us was a shop window covered in sunscreen. In the first photo I took of her, she was about to flip through the newspaper.

    The Lightroom “contact sheet” of the frames.

    More photos from this project are in Camino de Santiago.

    And in the Fujifilm X100T Favorite Images portfolio.

    Details: Fuji X-100T fixed 23 mm 1/900 f/6.4