Fritz Nordengren

Documentary Storyteller and Photojournalist

Tag: bilbao

  • Table for 2, Dinner for 1, Bilbao, 2016

    Table for 2, Dinner for 1, Bilbao, 2016

    The nearly silent leaf shutter is always a bonus.

    A single frame: Why and how I captured this shot.

    I was at dinner with long-time photography friend Brett Payne, in old-town Bilbao. I glanced up and noticed the table next to us. I didn’t want to intrude or break the mood as the diner lost himself in the painting. I kept my camera on the table and estimated the framing.

    More photos from this project are in Camino de Santiago.

    A Lightroom Contact sheet

    Details: Fuji X-100T fixed 23 mm 1/60 f/2