The X100T and my introduction to Fuji
How often do you switch camera brands? I see enough lightly-used products on eBay to guess some people switch brands a lot.
I grew up shooting Canon cameras. My Canon preference was that, a preference. I was brand agnostic for gear used by creatives I collaborated with.
The SLR / DSLR cameras I grew up with are big. I picked up a Canon S110 digital elf in 2001 as a discrete, go-anywhere companion for my Canon A1. It was years before usable cell phone cameras. The S110 created 1600 x 1200 images, which were the ideal web size in the 2000s.
I slowly stopped using it and in 2014, I saw what Kevin Mullins and Zach Arias were creating with the Fuji 100 series. Soon after ordered an X100T. I used the X100T from 2015 – 2022, alongside a Canon 7D2, Canon 5D III, or 5D IV. I was impressed with what mirrorless could add to my workflow and tested a couple of Fuji XT and XPro cameras before moving to all Fuji in 2020.
In 2022, I moved to the Fujifilm X100V and I sold the T. I looked back through my catalog of X100T images and picked these 10 favorites. It’s a mix of professional, personal and experimental images.
Fuji X100T Gallery

Lamar, Colorado 2022

Amsterdam, 2018

Pamplona, Spain, 2016
After hiking into Pamplona from Zabaldika on a cool morning, I stopped in a bakery near the government building. Outside, a woman sat with her coffee, and between us was the shop window with a sunscreen shade pulled down.

Decatur County, Iowa 2015

Madison County, Iowa 2019

Vest Pocket Kodak
Bilboa, Spain 2016

Azofra, Spain 2016

Santa Rosa, New Mexico 2016

Seattle Washington, 2015

Street scene behind the Santa Maria Cathedral
Burgos, Spain 2016